Thinking Of Robbing A Bank?

[Edison Universal Stock Ticker Machine]If you’re thinking of robbing a bank, you’ll probably get less than $50,000 and more than likely get shot in the process. The more well-read crooks among you might instead try the Museum of American Finance, located at the site of the original Bank of New York building dating to 1797. And its only a block away from the New York Stock Exchange, home of some of the biggest crooks on earth! Okay, maybe I’m being slightly facetious here (or maybe I’m not!).

Apart from containing a host of educational financial stuff like original stock certificates, an Edison ticker tape machine, and jars of various commodities, it also contains a 60lb bar (or maybe slab is a better word) of gold. If my math is correct, 60lb comes about to 846.395 Oz of gold. Not sure what the purity is, but if its 99.999% then at todays price $890/Oz, it’s worth $753,291. Much better takings than at a bank![60lb gold bar]

The Museum of American Finance recently reopened after a $9 million makeover. The next time I’m in New York, I’ll try to visit it.

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