The Wealth, Money & Life Network

I’d like to announce that I’m part of the new of The Wealth, Money & Life Network (WML-Net), a new personal finance network.

The WML-Net is made up of a diverse group of individuals. The ages span across the 20s, 30s and into the 40s. They’re located in geographically diverse parts of America; ranging from the east coast to the west coast, from the midwest to the southwest to the deep-south. Their backgrounds are as varied as their careers, education, income streams and lifestyles. Some have debt, while others do not. There are those who are married, with and without children, while others are single. Some have a college degree and there are those who do not.

Considering that that no one situation is alike, the group’s diversity should provide different insights based on everyone’s own personal financial experiences.

Periodically a topic will be presented and we’ll approach it based on our own unique experiences. This month, we are going to discuss Emergency Funds. I certainly look forward to hearing about each member’s approach to the topic of having an emergency fund. If you would like to share your posts about having an emergency fund, feel free to contact any of us to add it to the network post at The Wealth, Money & Life Network site.

Be sure to pay a visit the other The Wealth, Money & Life Network member sites and subscribe to their feed, and my feed, if you haven’t done so already. The links below will get you there quickly!

Dollar Frugal
Her Every Cent Counts
How I Save Money
Living Off Dividends & Passive Income
Saving For A Home
The LocoMono Website

Also, be sure to visit The Wealth, Money & Life Network site.

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